

Employment contracts

Disciplinary dismissals

Objective dismissals (individual, collective, collective dismissal (ERE), temporary collective dismissal (ERTE))

Protection of Fundamental Rights

Claims for payment

Claims of rights

Individual and collective disputes before the Employment Tribunal

Workforce planning

Contesting social security settlement decisions

Benefits under the General Scheme and benefits under any Special Social Security Scheme

Community Law on Social Security benefits

Occupational Health and Safety, Health and Occupational Risk Prevention Committees

Actions in any type of proceedings before Employment Tribunals, High Courts of Justice, National Court, Supreme Court, Constitutional Court and preliminary rulings by the Court of Justice of the European Union

Sanction procedures

Work and social security inspections

Contesting reports of breaches in the workplace

Opposing legal actions for debt collection

Mediation and arbitration

Proceedings in trade union election processes

Work-related Due Diligence

Collective bargaining

Company succession

Contentious/administrative proceedings on Employment and Social Security matters

Arbitration and challenges to arbitration awards in electoral matters

Claims for damages arising from accidents in and outside of the workplace and occupational illnesses

Work relations between dock workers at ports, senior management and other special work relationships